Nomination Application for the 2025 APVIA Awards
Nomination Application Guidelines
- Objective - The Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) has launched the Asia Photovoltaic Awards named “APVIA Awards” to recognize organizations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the photovoltaic industry through achievements in the areas of capability development or innovation. It is primarily an Asia-Pacific Award but not restricted exclusively to Asia-Pacific citizens.
- Awards Categories - The 2025 APVIA Awards will be presented in five categories –Industry, Technology, Education, Finance and Application, to organizations/institutions or individuals. These five categories will provide opportunities to honor established and emerging companies, research institutes, professionals, entrepreneurs and individuals across the entire photovoltaic industry. This will include power utilities, photovoltaic sectors as well as the merging sectors of energy efficiency, clean and renewable energy.
- APVIA Award - Industrial Contribution recognizes key PV players with outstanding business performance and industry leaders whose vision and achievements have influenced the whole PV community for the leading roles they have played in the development of the industry and the contribution they have made to the advancement of the industry in the previous year. This Award will be presented to: a) Enterprise; b) Individual.
- APVIA Award - Technological Achievement recognizes universities/colleges, research institutes, enterprises and individuals (e.g. scientists, engineers, technicians, etc.) for their scientific and technical innovation in the PV industry and their efforts in the harnessing of new technologies, new materials and new techniques for the PV products. This Award will be presented to: a) University/Institute; b) Enterprise; c) Individual.
- APVIA Award - Academic Contribution celebrates universities/colleges, training institutions and scientific research institutes for their contribution to PV practitioners’ education and cultivation, as well as enterprises which have attached importance to talents cultivation and sponsored related educational and scientific research institutes, or individuals who have made special contributions to talents cultivation. This Award will be presented to: a) University/Institute; b) Enterprise; c) Individual.
- APVIA Award - Banking and Financing Initiative celebrates financial institutions, such as banks, insurance companies and funds, etc. for the financial support they have offered to PV industry and their continuous drive for innovative business models. This Award will be presented to: a) Enterprise
- APVIA Award - Photovoltaic Application recognizes photovoltaic plant investors, developers, operators, engineering companies, architecture design institutes, architectural colleges and universities etc. for their investment in photovoltaic plants, building integrated photovoltaic as well as the successful cases they have achieved which can serve as development models. This Award will be presented to: a) University/Institute; b) Enterprise
- Evaluation Criteria - All nomination applications received will be evaluated based on impact to Asia’s photovoltaic sector and society which includes:
- Establishing new benchmarks and/or models in capabilities development and innovation;
- Exhibiting outstanding leadership and governance through vision and dedication to transform the energy sector and community;
- Demonstrating successful implementation, taking into account the scalability and sustainability of the initiatives(s); and
- Sharing of knowledge that benefits the industry stakeholders and/or social communities.
- Judging Process – All eligible applications submitted will be reviewed through a rigorous three-tier selection process made up of the APVIA Secretariat, APVIA Steering Committee and a Judging Committee. The APVIA Secretariat will examine and assess all applications and make a summary report to APVIA Steering Committee, which is composed of major national renewable/solar/photovoltaic industry association in Asia-Pacific region. Each member of APVIA Steering Committee may select candidates as recommended nominations. The Judging Committee will then review and select the APVIA Awards winner(s) from those recommended nominations based on the judging criteria.
- The completed nomination application must include:
- The completed nomination application form; and
- A citation explaining Why the Recommended Nominee merits a consideration for the APVIA Award, based on the template provided in Section 3.
- For the individual nomination, please attach to the nomination form a list of technical and scientific publications and/or achievements in the photovoltaic field of the nominee recommended as well as his/her brief introduction.
- Notes:
- The official nomination application form and all accompanying materials must be submitted in English.
- Welcome to apply for nomination of eligible candidates; Application of self-nomination is also welcome.
- Once the nomination application is submitted, neither the nomination applicant nor the recommended nominee is able to make any modification. APVIA Secretariat reserves the right to disqualify any application or nomination that is deemed incomplete or found to be inaccurate. The Awards Secretariat may request for additional detailed information/referral/interviews where necessary.
- APVIA Secretariat may request for additional detailed information/referral/interviews where necessary.
- The Judging Committee members of the APVIA Awards cannot be nominated.
- Nomination application for the 2025 APVIA Awards will be open from this date to 31 March 2025. Please submit the completed nomination application documents via email to APVIA Secretariat:
- For 2025 APVIA Awards Nomination Application, please click here and download the nomination application form.
Should you have any enquires about the 2025 APVIA Awards, please contact us.
Contact Us
Office -Shanghai, China
Address: Room 907, No.425, Yishan Road, Shanghai 200235 China
Contact: Ms. Ella Wang
E-Mail: | Tel: + 86-21-33683167-896